go-python3 ========== Golang bindings for the C-API of CPython-3. This package provides a ``go`` package named "python" under which most of the ``PyXYZ`` functions and macros of the public C-API of CPython have been exposed. Theoretically, you should be able use https://docs.python.org/3/c-api and know what to type in your ``go`` program. API --- Some functions mix go code and call to Python function. Those functions will return and `int` and `error` type. The `int` represent the Python result code and the `error` represent any issue from the Go layer. Example: `func PyRun_AnyFile(filename string)` open `filename` and then call CPython API function `int PyRun_AnyFile(FILE *fp, const char *filename)`. Therefore its signature is `func PyRun_AnyFile(filename string) (int, error)`, the `int` represent the error code from the CPython `PyRun_AnyFile` function and error will be set if we failed to open `filename`. If an error is raise before calling th CPython function `int` default to `-1`.